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Industry-Specific Informatics and Technology Solutions


In the telecom industry, we manage projects focused on Smart Mobile Phones. We carry out work analysis, process management, process improvement, lowering costs, increasing profitability and customer satisfaction with projects related to the processes in the life cycle of the mobile phone.

Human Resources

We have a database of occupations (mes-net) with approximately 1000 main occupations (more than 83 thousand occupational titles) defined globally. We develop this database with detailed job descriptions in 24/7, and maintain the professions in its database in the most up-to-date manner; prepare professional test batteries for all or a few of these professions or only 1, establishing Talent Laboratories measuring the suitability of the individual for the profession; evaluate the professional suitability of the individual measured in these laboratories.

Industry-Specific Trainings

We gain the skills that employees need to adapt to the solutions we develop and manage processes that improve.

Industry-Specific Consultancy

We address the consultancy services, especially management consultancy, required by any industry in the context of information and technology; use these tools to establish sustainable structures and create corporate memory.

Job Analysis and Process Design

In order to improve a process from start to finish, we use our expertise skills to identify existing problems with appropriate tools, conduct business analyzes with the participation of management and employees, and redesign the processes if necessary; we provide an increase in productivity with measurable success criteria. Today, we know that the main element of competition is productivity growth and the correct use of resources.

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